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Child Development Units

Child Development Units

Developmental Assessment


Working issues of development assessment-support and follow-up units are;

  • Conducting studies with 0-18 years of children and their families,

  • Assessing devepment of normal developed children or children with special needs with developmental tools relevant to their develomental needs,

  • Introducing consultancy services for family about development,

  • Studies of developmental diagnosis for child with special needs as;

* Mental reterdation

* Down Syndrome

* Hearing impairment

* Deficiency in communication skills

* Visual impairment

* Cerebral Palsy

* Learning disability

* Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

* Pervasive developmental disorder

* Gifted


Service Plan:

How do families appeal?

Families can appeal for detailed development assessment under the guidance of a doctor in such department of pediatrics, child neurology, genetic, children's mental health or families can appeal directly.


How to make appointment?

Hacettepe University Health Sciences Faculty Child Development Department is located in Sıhhiye Campus.Families can make appointment to come Child Development secretarial at D blok 6 fold or by telephone. for the develoment assessment families have to come with formal referral and/or health record and if they have health report they have to come with it.

In child Development Department, except Thursdays at 13:30-17:00 pm,family interview and child development assessment is done every weekday.


For appointment:

Tel: 0.312. 305 15 26 Internal: 120


Service Units

I) Family Interview: This interview includes getting general information about child and family,reasons regarding appeal of family in setting which reciprocal conversation is done. Written records are kept.Every child has a separate file in Child Development Department. It is advised that father and mother should participate the interview together.

II) Evaluation Units: Child's developmental profile is put forward by standard and informal assessment tools based on the needs of child taking into the chronological age and diagnosis of child. Family is informed about child in general and offered proposal package for development.

III) Development Follow-up Units: As a result of developmental assessment and family interview, family is informed about proposal package in detail and homework sheets are presented to family. Guidance service provided to family is checked whether it is appropriate or not by 2-3 months periodical follow-up. Assessment and follow-up period is conducted by same specialist. During the follow-up period, specialist may guide the family another specialist depending on child's needs. Coordination between specialist is expected.

Developmental Support Units: Support services in Child Development Department are conducted under the following headings. Certain days of the week child or groups of children come to these units. Services such as individual, group/individual and group working are provied.



     Working issues of development assessment-support and follow-up units are;

  • Conducting studies with 0-18 years of children and their families,

  • Assessing devepment of normal developed children or children with special needs with developmental tools relevant to their develomental needs,

  • Introducing consultancy services for family about development,

  • Studies of developmental diagnosis for child with special needs as;

    * Mental reterdation

  • Supporting development of children in need of protection, introducing supporting and consultancy services about development of these children to institution staff or foster family

  • Conducting early intervention programs and family consultancy services in units,

  • Also, carrying out scientific studies about improving and applying new methods and techniques and using them for the benefit of children and their families.

    a) Infants and Early Intervention Unit: to know child needs by assessment of babies period (0-3 years) and early intervention to problems of these children. At decided intervals to follow up child development, if a problem has found ort his development, child directed to other unit in department (speech and language unit, special education unit, talented intelligent unit). Give consulting support to families for child needs at health, visual, motor, cognitive-language, social and emotional development areas. To prepare home education assistive programs, give information to families about stimulus for whale development areas of babies at 0-3 years old and state family-child play groups for babies at 0-3 years old and state family child play groups for babies according to their developmental peculiarity.

    b) Developmental Support Unit I (Preschool Children):to assess development and support cognitive, language, social and motor development of children with special needs in early childhood. Additionally, conducting to scientific studies with children who had developmental delays and disorders and providing opportunities for the undergraduate students of Child Development Department for gaining experience about the children with special needs are purposed.

    c) Developmental Support Unit II (School children): to assess the development of primary school children with special needs, to support their cognitive, language, social and motor development with appropriate developmental support programs, to perform individual and/or group studies on the issues such as school orientation, teaching academic skills, and independent living skills, to conduct scientific studies on the children with special needs, to provide developmental support services by using different techniques and methods, to provide consultancy services intended for the families of children with special needs, to provide opportunities for the undergraduate students of Child Development Department to gain experience about the children with special needs. Thus, to provide opportunity for students to observe the studies performed with children with special needs and their families

    d) Language and Speech Unit: to evaluate the children who has expressive and receptive language difficulties, speech and language delays, developmental language difficulties, early fluency difficulties and articulation/phonological problems. Professionals serving in the unit determine the children who need developmental support by means of assessment tools, identify the children who are at risk in respect to speech and language development, as well as support these children with individualized educational programmes.

    e) Gifted and Talented Unit: to developed gifted primary children’s talent and their potensial, to support their development and to give consultancy for the families (or if necessary fort he educatÅŸors) of gifted children; to provide opportunities for the undergraduate students of Child Development Department to gain experience about gifted and talented children. Thus, to provide opportunity for students to observe the studies performed with gifted children and aim to make scientific studies about gifted children (to developed technic, method, try to different educational model, to produce original research, and so on.)

    f) Development Assessment Unit: to assess children between 0-18 years old, who are normally developed and nominated as gifted, language and speech disordered or at risk by means of normative tests and to guide them and their families in order to participate in proper educational support process

    g) Family Meeting: Families who get service at developmental support units attend the meeting individually or in group. Also there are conducted studies about participating the other family members (sisters, brothers, grandmother, grandfather) in the meetings and programs Teachers of children who attend mainstreaming programs are interviewed and it is expected to provide coordination.